This is your dedicated space for building a supportive and empowering connection with the moon.
You are invited to dedicate conscious time to exploring each unique phase of the moon and the support it provides.
Each Moon phase has a section below.
Through Ritual, Pranayama Breathwork, Somatics, Dance, Gentle Movement, Journaling, Art Therapy and Mediation you may be able to shift stagnant energy and limiting beliefs to invite in a new way of thinking and being.
A supportive and structured way to move towards a new way of thinking and being
Each section is to be experienced at the below times
1. Pre-Recorded / Self Paced:
For each session you are encouraged to get as comfortable as possible, here are some suggestions
Quiet place around the size of a yoga mat (There will be times where you are invited to play music so if this can be turned up to a reasonable level without concern this is ideal)
Warm cup of tea or glass of water
Cushion, block, bolster or folded towel to sit on (you may choose to lay down though)
Candle and lighter/ matches
Mood lighting
Heat proof bowl
Sage or Palo Santo
Journal/ Paper and pen